Brown Press release highlights Tapinos's new start up company for first in class therapeutics targeting cancer

“Through cutting-edge research, Nikos Tapinos, an associate professor of neurosurgery and neuroscience at Brown, is now advancing breakthroughs in RNA technology to take on hard-to-treat malignancies”

By unlocking an understanding of how to modify RNA molecules produced within a cancer cell, Tapinos developed a new RNA therapeutic discovery platform, named the Epi-CODE™ RNA Platform. Leveraging the knowledge of RNA modifications of cancer stem cells, he developed RNA therapeutics that can stop tumor growth and increase overall survival rates for hard-to-treat cancers, including glioblastoma, melanoma, colorectal, ovarian and non-small cell lung cancer. Findings from preclinical research show excellent efficacy in mouse models of cancer”

Tapinos co-founded Tinos Therapeutics, Inc. in March with pharmaceutical and biotech executive Wendy Perrow, who serves as CEO. The startup’s team is now focused on raising funding to further test the RNA platform’s efficacy through clinical trials and then ultimately FDA approval, which they hope to secure by 2025.”